April 2020 Newsletter

Welcome to our first online edition of our Preservation Zebulon Newsletter. In order to conserve resources our PZ board has agreed to convert our print newsletter to an electronic format.

Betsy Green and Patricia Roberson give pre-1980 photos to Taylor Gray and Season Atkinson to scan at Wakelon Town Hall. Photo by MaryBeth Carpenter.


Thanks to our community for itS support as 40+ attended our “Memories and Merry Moments in Time” Preservation Day on February 8 at the Wakelon Town Hall. We captured your wonderful stories and photos of pre-1980 life in Zebulon. We had great turnout, scanned over 200 photos and items and captured some fabulous memories on film. Three residents won the door prizes, and we thank Lovallo Florist for the lovely centerpiece as one of the prizes. Our second video presentation of “Rex Tippett and Zebulon’s Farming Heritage” was shown at 2 and 3 p.m. and many attendees also toured the Friends of Wakelon display on the second floor. PZ thanks the Town of Zebulon for its support of the event and usage of the Wakelon building. We extend our thanks to our PZ board for running the event, and to the many volunteers and attendees who helped make this program successful. Our event was also featured with a photo and write up in the March 2020 edition of the Federation of North Carolina Historical Societies Bulletin, a state-wide nonprofit operating under the auspices of the Office of Archives & History.


Our nomination for a National Register Historic District was turned in to the NC State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) in mid-December. We are queued up for review and are waiting for questions by SHPO to be sent back to Firefly Consulting. Our consultant Cheri will then work on changes to the nomination document. SHPO reviews these documents as they are received, and we expect to have our review soon.

Our NR nomination was based on a survey conducted by New South Associates in 2018 and our nomination was paid for by fundraising activities support of Preservation Zebulon.


Due to the Covid – 19 pandemic, Preservation Zebulon has put its plans for spring events on hold. Postponed are our walking tours of the historic downtown area and the tax credit workshop. We will schedule our dates for these events later in the Spring. PZ encourages everyone to follow the governor’s orders to stay at home, help flatten the curve of the virus and to practice social distancing. But while you are inside your homes, please send us old photos and anecdotes of life in the area. We are collecting these for an archive and also post many of them on Facebook.

Attendees watched a slideshow on Zebulon’s early history and also saw the film “Rex Tippett’s Farming Heritage in Zebulon” which was the launch of the Zebulon Memory Project at the Preservation Day event. If you have pre-1980 photos that we can scan, or pre-1980 memories to tell, please contact us and help us build our archive.


Preservation Zebulon is a member-based organization. Please renew your membership today. Cost is $40 for individuals, $50 for a family, and $250 for a corporate partner membership. All of our activities are funded by memberships and donations. Please donate or renew your membership today at www.preservationzebulon.org or by mailing a check to the address below. All of Preservation Zebulon’s activities are run by volunteers. Thank you for your support and participation!

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Protect, Promote, Preserve
Zebulon’s Structures


214 E. Horton Street, Zebulon, NC  27597

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