Get Your Early Bird Tour Tickets Today

Early Bird Tickets are Available - Get Your Tour Tickets Today!


Sponsored by NC Humanities Council

APRIL 9, 2022
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Early Bird tickets are on sale now through March 14 for our Historic Homes Tour. See the insides of six restored 100-year-old homes in the downtown residential area and along Gannon Avenue. These homes in our proposed National Register Historic District will open their doors to ticket holders for the first time on April 9. The tour highlights charming examples of early twentieth century architecture.

This tour is the flagship fundraiser for Preservation Zebulon. Our Early Bird discounted pricing will end on March 14. All tickets are pre-sale only. Zebulon Historic Homes Tour 2022 by Preservation Zebulon, Inc. (


Preservation Zebulon needs your help to make this year’s Historic Homes Tour the best ever. We need docents and volunteers to help guide visitors through the beautiful centennial houses and we request your help to act as docents/ tour guides, tour helpers, and registration assistants. All volunteers will earn one free ticket, and to attend a required training session / dessert reception. Please sign up today.

We are grateful for our presenting sponsor NC Humanities


We thank our presenting sponsor, NC Humanities Council, for its generous support of our upcoming tour. Join NC Humanities Council and other sponsors at our event by becoming a Historic Homes Tour sponsor! Put your business on our tour map!

John and Wink Montague of Lighting Inc. deliver a gasolier in preparation for installation at the John D. Finch house, one of the homes on the Tour. Photo by MaryBeth Carpenter.

Zebulon Historic District Update

On February 10, 2022, The National Register Advisory Committee for the second time unanimously approved the Zebulon Historic District application. The National Park Service completed a substantive review of our Zebulon Historic District in September 2021 and found no errors with it. This nomination will be sent to the National Park Service for final action soon. Thanks to our citizens and businesses of the Zebulon community for your continued and wonderful support!


Preservation Zebulon is a member-based organization. Please renew your membership today. Cost is $40 for individuals, $50 for a family, and $250 for a corporate partner membership. Please join or renew your membership today clicking here or by mailing a check to the address below. All of Preservation Zebulon’s activities are run by volunteers. Thank you for your support and participation!

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