June 2020 Newsletter

June 2020 Newsletter  |  View in browser

Protect, Promote, Preserve Zebulon’s historic structures

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The lunette window, found in the gables of the John D. Finch house, is also seen throughout Eastern North Carolina in homes built from 1870 to 1920. The lunette is a half- moon shaped space filled with glass.

The lunette window seen again and again in homes of this region is a stylized sunrise, with the bottom portion half circle representing the golden sun, and the four panels rising above it displaying stained glass rays of blue, green, red and purple, as the colors of the rainbow.

This symbolizes the breadth of resources offered by our state from the blue of its lake and coastal waters, to the green of tobacco and cotton fields, to NC’s red clay soil and finishing in the purple flowers of corn and soybean crops and also representing the wisdom and creativity of its people.

The John D. Finch house on E. Horton Street is the home of Preservation Zebulon and over five years this house has been under restoration. Three lunette windows adorned the gables of the house, but several color ray panels were missing when the home was purchased by its owners in 2015. The lunette windows have been re-built to precisely match the original ones and have been re-installed in the home.

For more info on the window restoration see: https://johndfinchhouse.com/2020/06/15/lunette-windows-in-rainbow-colors/

Meet our Board

Ruth Moss

Secretary, Preservation Zebulon

Head of Moss Enterprises

Ruth was the first person to join our Board, and is a founding member of Preservation Zebulon. The Moss farm land comprising over 200 acres has been in her family’s hands for 81 years. Ruth serves as Secretary on the Board and hosts our Board meetings at her home. Moss Enterprises has also sponsored PZ activities since its inception.

Ruth taught school for 37 years. She taught in Burlington for 3 years before moving to Zebulon, taught Wakelon School for 10 years, and then at Zebulon Middle School for 24 years. She retired in 1995 and is active in community work. “I’m living life in a small town true to my personality,” she says.


Plans are underway for our PZ Annual Meeting. We plan to unveil two more film clips from our Zebulon Memory Project on long-time residents in early October. This event will take place at a private site with a restored historic structure which has not been open to the public. We could use your help in planning the event, so please reach out if you can volunteer your time. Stay tuned for an announcement of all the details next month!


Our nomination for a National Register Historic District was turned in to the NC State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) in December. We are queued up for review and are waiting for questions by SHPO to be sent back to our consultants. SHPO reviews these documents as they are received, and we expect to have our review soon. Our nomination was paid for by fundraising activities in support of Preservation Zebulon.


Preservation Zebulon is a member based organization. Please renew your membership today. Cost is $40 for individuals, $50 for a family, and $250 for a corporate partner membership. Please donate or renew your membership today at www.preservationzebulon.org or by mailing a check to the address below. All of Preservation Zebulon’s activities are run by volunteers. Thank you for your support and participation!

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