Zebulon Memory Project
Preservation Zebulon is leading the Zebulon Memory Project, a program to save pre-1980 photos and anecdotal stories documenting the history of Zebulon and surrounding areas. Through interviews of film, and digitizing photos of pre-1980 people and places, we are building an archive of Zebulon’s rich past. Full stories on our Community Leaders can be found here.
It is important to pass our history down to future generations. As history is lost, the essence that makes a place like Zebulon special is also lost. We are partnering with The Little River Historical Society to capture and save as much of the history in Zebulon and surrounding areas as we can. By making this history available to current and future generations we can safe guard everything that makes Zebulon such a special place to live and work.
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I am the Author/Photographer of “A Pictorial History of Little River Park and Dam.”